Global ManuChem Strategies 2016

Global ManuChem Strategies 2016

The flagship conference on the future of chemical production returns to Berlin on March 17-18, 2016! Following on from the success of the last 4 years, the Global ManuChem Strategies is again the leading platform for 150+ production directors, OpEx leaders and competence experts. The event will focus on new technologies but also explore new strategies in leadership and talent retention and show new developments in continuous improvement and process excellence strategies and will target the question how new parts of a company can be integrated after a M&A. The event is the perfect platform to connect with like-minded production directors, OpEx leaders and competence experts and to learn from the industry’s most experienced strategists to discuss some of the most striking topics surrounding effective process management & continuous improvement.

Main topics:
• Operational excellence
• Mergers & Acquisitions
• Volatile commodity / end markets
• New possibilities
• Corporate responsibility
• Lean management

Find further information about the program, all speakers and your event registration here:

Veranstaltungsort und Adresse

Maritim Pro Arte Hotel Berlin, Friedrichstraße 151, 10117 Berlin

    17. März 2016

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Global ManuChem Strategies 2016

Diese Veranstaltung in Berlin (Mitte, Bezirk Mitte) wurde von weconect veröffentlicht. Global ManuChem Strategies 2016 ist den Rubriken seminar, konferenz und weiterbildung zugeordnet.