2nd European Conference Smart Grids and E-Mobility

The first Conference on Smart Grids and Mobility was a great success and affirmed the scientific committee in their decision to continue this event on an annual basis. During the last conference it became evident that the necessary emission reductions and the achievement of European targets as far as the contribution of renewables in the energy supply is concerned, both influence many sectors forcing a change towards smart solutions such as smart grids and smart mobility.
The conversion of existing traditional structures towards smart concepts yearns for an interdisciplinary and international approach. This is mirrored by the selection of conference topics covering both non-technical and technical issues as considering the progress from the component level to system integration technologies. The first conference not only demonstrated that there is still room for new visions and ideas but also that standardization is becoming more and more important.

Spurred on by the lasting impression of the previous conference, the organisation of the 2nd Conference in Brussels has begun. The choice of the conference site emphasizes the need for solutions not only at regional or national levels but also at an international level.

We have the pleasure of inviting you to actively participate in this European Conference and would encourage the submission of papers which contribute to broaden and share knowledge on Smart Grids and Mobility.

We look forward to the opportunity of discussing with you all the exciting ongoing progress and to meeting you at the Conference.

Veranstaltungsort und Adresse

Bedford Hotel & Congress Centre, Rue du Midi 135-137, 1000 Brussels, Belgien

    20. Oktober 2010

  • Mi

2nd European Conference Smart Grids and E-Mobility

Diese Veranstaltung in Brussels wurde von OTTI veröffentlicht. 2nd European Conference Smart Grids and E-Mobility ist der Rubrik Kongress zugeordnet.