Improv without Borders

An einem Tag spielen über 60 Improgruppen weltweit im Rahmen von „improv without borders„ und supporten damit Geflüchtete weltweit. Auch Uniater/Impro-Potsdam spielt an diesem Tag im KuZe für die Solidarität mit Geflüchteten und spendet ihren Zuschauerbeitrag an „ProAsyl“.

Sehen Sie eine Show ohne Grenzen und Zwänge und viel Spielfreude der neuen Potsdamer Avantgarde. Alle Einnahmen des Abends werden an „Pro Asyl“ gespendet.

Sei dabei. Zeige Solidarität. Sei Pro Asyl!

On March 12th, 2016 „Improv without borders“ will take place – the International
Awareness Day for the refugee crisis, initiated by the Berlin improv theatre "Die Gorillas".
Improv events all over the world are being organized for this day by many different
improv groups and theaters. The Gorillas have asked the international improv community
to improvise on this day, on their stage, in their city and donate the proceeds of this day
to an organization that represents the interests of refugees – Gorillas and the
International Festival for Improvisation, IMPRO, will support Pro Asyl. On the initiative's
website,, every ensemble can sign in with their show
and venue. All of them will be listed on the event schedule and marked on a virtual map.
We look forward to many groups and events filling the global map of „Improv without
„Improv without borders“ connects the arts with social and political awareness of a global
responsibility for refugees. Improvisational theater is a theater genre that is able to build
bridges between the displaced and the citizens of the many places the refugees are
fleeing to. It connects people beyond language barriers and is able to overcome social
barriers as well. Through the worldwide collaboration of theaters and performers on a
single day, the international improv community demonstrates solidarity and uses their
artistic tools to sensitize and point to the importance to think and speak about this topic
and moreover to do something – to support the refugees.
All information on
On Facebook:

Der Erlös dieses Abends wird in voller Höhe der Organisation Pro Asyl gespendet.

Veranstaltungsort und Adresse

KuZe Potsdam, Hermann-Elflein-Straße 10, 14467 Potsdam

    12. März 2016

  • Sa

Improv without Borders

Diese Veranstaltung in Potsdam (Innenstadt) wurde von KuZe-Potsdam veröffentlicht. Improv without Borders ist den Rubriken Improtheater, Improv without Borders und uniaterIMPRO zugeordnet.

Weitere Veranstaltungen

8. Apr
Forum Leverkusen
16. Jan
25. Jan
Kulturhalle Schanz
21. Mär
tanzhaus nrw
22. Mär
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