VORTRAG: African Cultural Resistance to the transatlantic Slave Trade

Vortrag (engl.) mit Publikumsgespräch
African Cultural Resistance to the transatlantic Slave Trade
Mit Joseph Yai Olabiyi Babalola, Chairman, unesco Executive Board

Despite most sophisticated strategies to destroy cultural identity, inhuman working conditions, exploitation and disintegration of their social and economic systems, enslaved Africans were able to ensure the survival of the key parts of their original cultures by partly assimilating new elements, but also by negotiating spaces and recreating social practices. With Joseph Yai Olabiyi Babalola, Ambassador of Benin to the UNESCO and Chairman, UNESCO Executive Board. WdK, Saal, Eintritt frei.

Joseph Yai Olabiyi Babalola is Chairman of UNESCO’s Executive Board. As a specialist in African languages, literature, alphabetization, oral poetry and the culture of African diasporas, Olabiyi Babalola has held professorships in Benin, Nigeria, Brazil, Japan and the United Kingdom. He participated in the development of UNESCO’s programmes in the field of African languages and culture and is Ambassador of Benin to UNESCO as well as a member of numerous international boards, committees and juries in the field of culture.

Veranstaltungsort und Adresse

Werkstatt der Kulturen, Wissmannstraße 32, 12049 Berlin

    24. November 2008

  • Mo

VORTRAG: African Cultural Resistance to the transatlantic Slave Trade

Diese Veranstaltung in Berlin (Berlin) wurde von AfricAvenir veröffentlicht.