How to make your powerpoints less s**t

This is comedy training. But this isn't comedy training so you can get on stage. This is so you can have a joke with your boss or make that stone-faced client finally laugh! Over 90 minutes you'll learn some of the key principals of stand-up comedy that apply directly to presenting and pitching in companies.
This workshop taster version of a workshop by Comedy 4 Companies, a business that takes laughing seriously. Started by a stand-up comedian and a facilitator, Com4Com has made comedy accessible to businesses, helping them to laugh more and work better. You can come on your own or bring a few people from your team - It's gonna be great. You'll laugh, you'll learn and we'll all go get tattoos later!
Further Information:

Veranstaltungsort und Adresse

Meeet Mitte, Chausseestr. 86, 10115 Berlin

    1. April 2019

  • Mo

How to make your powerpoints less s**t

Diese Veranstaltung in Berlin (Mitte) wurde von Frank4Meeet veröffentlicht. How to make your powerpoints less s**t ist den Rubriken comedy, business, english events und entertainment zugeordnet.

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