
Deltaphonic is a New Orleans rock n’ roll duo that blends fingerpicking blues, funk, and roots rock into a surprisingly big sound.
This New Orleans duo draws parallels to The Black Keys but their deliciously gritty sound exists in a realm of its own.
Tearing through hill country blues and swampedelic rock, Deltaphonic infuse every note with a funky swagger.
Their original songwriting oozes with rare talent to go along with their captivating stage presence and immeasurable entertainment value.
Expect frenetic performances and memorable songwriting… and maybe a musical explosion here or there!

Veranstaltungsort und Adresse

Dreikönigskeller, Färberstr. 71, 60594 Frankfurt

    23. Januar 2020

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Diese Veranstaltung in Frankfurt (Frankfurt am Main Süd) wurde von Dreikönigskeller veröffentlicht. Deltaphonic ist den Rubriken Konzert, Rock'n'Roll, Blues und Funk zugeordnet.