iSAQB CPSA-Foundation Softwarearchitektur Training & Zertifizierung

Course Description

The accredited iSAQB® Certified Professional for Software Architecture Foundation (CPSA Foundation) course is an internationally recognized and standardized training for software architecture that prepares you for the iSAQB CPSA Foundation certification exam. After attending the iSAQB accredited course conducted by Albion trainers, 96% of course participants have passed the iSAQB Foundation Software Architecture certification exam.

The CPSA Foundation training course provides the knowledge and skills to design a suitable software architecture based on customer requirements and constraints. The acquired knowledge enables you to design, communicate, evaluate, maintain and enhance a software architecture. Participants broaden and deepen existing skills in software development with relevant approaches, methods and principles for software architecture development.

Albion Academy conducts this training in a workshop-like environment with several group exercises and an end-to-end, practice-based case-study. Thanks to this approach, attendees gain a deeper understanding of the course material, which directly impacts their ability to pass the iSAQB CPSA certification exam and help them succeed in their day-to-day work.

Course content overview

- Definitions, benefits and goals of software architecture
- The tasks and responsibilities of software architects
- Stakeholder concerns and interaction
- Functional and quality requirements as well as other factors influencing software architecture design
- Tactics and heuristics for architectural development, e.g., architectural and design patterns, design principles, cross-cutting concerns
- Documentation of software architectures on the basis of views
- Evaluation of software architectures


Upon successful completion of the certification exam, participants receive the iSAQB® Foundation Level certification.


Online, Online

    22. Juni 2021

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iSAQB CPSA-Foundation Softwarearchitektur Training & Zertifizierung

Diese Veranstaltung in Online wurde von Albion Academy veröffentlicht. iSAQB CPSA-Foundation Softwarearchitektur Training & Zertifizierung ist den Rubriken Software Architecture, Software Architecture Training und Software Architect Certification zugeordnet.

Weitere Veranstaltungen

17. Sep
NH Collection Berlin Mitte