L16 2021 European Earthbuilding Day 2021
Earth and straw building in mobility projects Learning across Europe with Erasmus + A mobility programme for trainees in vocation and continuous training. Learning Europe-wide with Erasmus + earth and straw construction in mobility projects project project construction site green future is part of the Erasmus + program. The European project “Baustelle Grüne Zukunft” introduces itself. With current reports by programme participants, introduction to the funding opportunities in the Erasmus + program and Weltwärts Reports of mobilities with our European partners, for example Spain Introduction intoECVET learning units in earth and straw construction in mobility The German recognized training courses for clay plastering, earth building specialist, straw bale building specialist, restorer. With lectures and participatory workshops. Host countries: Spain, Slovakia, United Kingdom. In the accompanying program: Guided tour through the Wangeliner earth and straw buildings with Burkard Rüger Languages: German and English Date: Saturday, July 24th, 10:00 am - 5:00 pm Venue: Earth building workshop Wangelin Registration from 9:30 am Participation fee: 60 EUR including meals. This includes conference documents and meals, consisting of lunch, conference drinks, coffee / tea and cake Free of charge for young people up to 24 years of age. Registration: Please register by July 1st. On the evening before July 23th, 2021, 7:30 p.m. guided tour through the exhibition "Landnahme - Hitzacker Dorf" in the clay museum Gnevsdorf The event is funded by the state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania as a measure of environmental education, education and information and by the North German Foundation for Environment and Development with funds from the environmental lottery BINGO!
Learning across Europe
with Erasmus + earth and straw construction
for participants in countinous trainings for
Fachkraft Lehm ( earth building professionals)
Gestalter für Lehmputze (clay plaster designers)
Fachkraft Strohballenbau ( professional ins straw bale building)
Earth and straw building in mobility projects
Learning across Europe with Erasmus +
A mobility programme for trainees in vocation and continuous training.
Learning Europe-wide with Erasmus + earth and straw construction in mobility projects project project construction site green future is part of the Erasmus + program. The further training courses for earth building professionals, clay plaster designers and straw bale workers L16 / 2021 European Earth Building Day 2021. Learning across Europe with Erasmus +
The European project “Baustelle Grüne Zukunft” introduces itself.
With current reports by programme participants, introduction to the funding opportunities in the Erasmus + program and Weltwärts
Reports of mobilities with our European partners, for example Spain
Introduction intoECVET learning units in earth and straw construction in mobility
The German recognized training courses for clay plastering, earth building specialist, straw bale building specialist, restorer.
With lectures and participatory workshops.
Host countries: Spain, Slovakia, United Kingdom.
In the accompanying program: Guided tour through the Wangeliner earth and straw buildings with Burkard Rüger
Languages: German and English
Date: Saturday, July 24th, 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
Venue: Earth building workshop Wangelin
Registration from 9:30 am
Participation fee: 60 EUR including meals. This includes conference documents and meals, consisting of lunch, conference drinks, coffee / tea and cake
Free of charge for young people up to 24 years of age.
Registration: Please register by July 1st.
On the evening before July 23th, 2021, 7:30 p.m. guided tour through the exhibition "Landnahme - Hitzacker Dorf" in the clay museum Gnevsdorf
The event is funded by the state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania as a measure of environmental education, education and information and by the North German Foundation for Environment and Development with funds from the environmental lottery BINGO!
Veranstaltungsort und Adresse
Europäische Bildungsstätte für Lehmbau Wangelin gGmbH, Dorfstraße 27, 19395 Ganzlin OT Wangelin
- Sa24.07.202109:30
24. Juli 2021
L16 2021 European Earthbuilding Day 2021
Diese Veranstaltung in Ganzlin OT Wangelin (Wangelin) wurde von Mari-Kien veröffentlicht. L16 2021 European Earthbuilding Day 2021 ist den Rubriken Erasmus +, ECVET, Earth and straw building und Baustelle Grüne Zukunft zugeordnet.
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