Vernissage zur Ausstellung von Aurelia Victora Mertens

Verniassage mit Aurelia Victora Mertens am 12. April 2024

Aurelia’s work is based on the study of connectivity, in terms of the relation to our selves and our surroundings. Currently this research occurs in two projects. The PORTRAIT SERIES is an artistic practice that explores the connection between human beings. The paintings deal with the different qualities of human existence which contribute to life experience. She uses a mixed media technique as a dialogue between abstraction, ?guration and written elements and as a dialogue between mind, body and the given subject.  
The IMPROVISATIONS of Aurelia are based on interdisciplinary performance projects with a musician and a dancer. Through their experimental improvisations they explore the dimensions and qualities of connectivity between different entities of a system in a certain moment.  
The abstract paintings that occur in the course of these performances express the accumulated energy of that given moment. 

CV Aurelia Victora Mertens

Lives and works between Palermo, Turin, Berlin and Stuttgart
b. 1996 in Schwäbisch Gmünd
2021 Artistic Studies - Guided by Igor Scalisi Palminteri, Palermo
2018 - 2019 Artistic Studies - Guided by Professore Salvatore Rizzuti, Palermo
2018 - 2021 Bachelor of Science - Business Psychology, HFT Stuttgart 


Montag bis Freitag 9-16 Uhr und 17-22 Uhr (an Tagen mit Veranstaltungen länger als 22 Uhr)
Sonn- und feiertags sowie in den Schulferien geschlossen

12. April bis 15. Mai 2024

Veranstaltungsort und Adresse

Kulturhaus Schwanen, Winnender Straße 4, 71334 Waiblingen

    Tickets für 12. April 2024

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Vernissage zur Ausstellung von Aurelia Victora Mertens

Diese Veranstaltung in Waiblingen wurde von venyoobot veröffentlicht. Vernissage zur Ausstellung von Aurelia Victora Mertens ist den Rubriken Ausstellung und Aurelia Victora Mertens zugeordnet.