Puss in Boots

    18. Mai 2024

  • Sa

Theaterstück in englischer Sprache - fairytale by the Brothers Grimm
for children aged 4+

Jack is not well. His father, the miller, has died. And the mill and the strong donkey have been given to his brothers. All Jack inherited was a cat. But "Purr" is a very special cat: he can talk, sing and dance! He promises Jack not to worry about his future anymore. Purr takes matters into his own paws; bur he does need a pair of boots. So, off they go.

Purr, now Puss in Boots, catches partridges, the king's favorite food, and then pretends they are a gift from his master, Count John. He persuades everyone that all the fields belong to his master. Next, Jack needs smart clothes. He gets them by another trick of Purr. And finally, the cat wants to get a castle for his master. There is a castle nearby, but it belongs to the evil wizard Marlos. With a castle, Jack would certainly be able to marry the beautiful princess.

Will they succeed? Put on your boots, come along and find out!

Tickets at muenchenticket.de or by phone 089 /59 54 54

Veranstaltungsort und Adresse

Münchner Theater für Kinder, Dachauer Str. 46, 80335 München

Puss in Boots

Diese Veranstaltung in München (Maxvorstadt) wurde von kulturbananen veröffentlicht. Puss in Boots ist den Rubriken Children's theatre, Puss in Boots, fairytale und excursions zugeordnet.

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