Children Of Lir: (un)traditional irish - Live Konzert

„This is the story…”

In the memo­rable year of 2004 we put toge­ther some things in a big big box — as there were gui­tars, fidd­les, whist­les, voices, bodhràns, did­ge­ri­doos, tap dance shoes, even blues harps, beau­ti­ful songs, Maria’s idea, tiny bit of booze, cheese & onion crisps, Wall­traud, St. Paddy’s Day, a bit of our­sel­ves and loads of pas­sion and love for irish music — we firmly shook and rocked it.… and the CHILD­REN OF LIR were born!

…and it still rocks!!

The Child­ren Of Lir sind Diana, Rita, Nils, Ingo und Thorsten.

Veranstaltungsort und Adresse

Das Wohnzimmer mit Galerie, Hauptstraße 33, 56729 Virneburg

    16. März 2013

  • Sa

Children Of Lir: (un)traditional irish - Live Konzert

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